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Fried Shrimp with Salty Egg York 黃金蝦
Fresh Shrimp (medium size) 600 g
Salty Egg York 4 pcs
Shallot (shredded) 2 pcs
Ginger 2 slices
Butter 50g
Corn Starch / Flour 3 tsps
Spring Onion some
Cooking Steps:
Steam salty egg yorks for 15 minutes and mash.
Remove head, shell and devein shrimps, absorb excess moisture. Sprinkle with corn starch / flour.
Heat wok with 2 tbsps oil, fry ginger and shallot for half minute. Add shrimps and fry to 80% ready. Add egg yorks and butter, mingle for half minute, remove and splash spring onion to serve.
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