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Bak Kut Teh 肉骨茶
Spare Ribs 450 g
Soup base:
Chuanxiong川芎 10g
Polygonatum玉竹 20g
Angelica當歸 10g
Licorice甘草 10g
Star Anise八角茴香 10g
Black Bean (crushed) 2 tsps
Garlic 2 whole pcs.
Miso or Chinese Bean Sauce 2 tbsps
Oyster Sauce 2 tbsps
Ginger 6 pcs
Cooking Steps:
Prepare soup base under gentle heat until boiled.
Blanch spare ribs for 1 minute. Remove and put into simmer pot with soup base. Cook for 1 and half hour under medium-low flame.
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