Oyster 12pcs
Ginger slice some
Spring onion 2 sprig
Shallot 2 pcs
Corn starch some
Salt half tsp
Brown sugar 1 tbsp
Shaoxin rice wine 1 tbsp
Soy sauce 1 tbsp
Balsamic vinegar 2 tbsps
Pan-fried Oyster with balsamic vinegar 干蔥香醋煎蠔
Cooking Steps:
First to clean oysters with water, corn starch and salt until less scum.
Blanch oysters with hot water for 20 seconds. Dry off oyster by paper towel.
Prepare sauce with balsamic vinegar, soy sauce, brown sugar, salt and shaoxin rice wine.
Pad oysters with corn starch and fry with medium heat until golden. Remove from fry pan.
Fry ginger, shallot slices and spring onion with high heat for 1 minute, put back oysters stir fry for 30 seconds, add pre-mixed sauce and cook to thicken the sauce. Ready to serve.